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Showing posts from March, 2025

Murky: into Print

Moving from a photo investigation of my ideas to a printed book was an exciting follow up after a narrative emerged while organizing the initial album. Incorporating text in this step of project development offered so many different avenues of approaching the layout. Throughout the semester, I’ve realized I struggle with prompted projects, as I’ve always been pretty strictly process based. The challenge of responding to the prompt, while not creating something inauthentic to fit the boundaries or making something that feels more representational than an artistic response, was an engaging way to begin to explore new approaches to my creation process.  I knew I wanted to use text to reinforce the narrative of the photos themselves, but didn’t necessarily want to present a fully explained project. With my focus on encouraging viewers to consider themselves and the world around them, I don’t want them to just read a message and move on to the next part of their day. Studies on viewers ...

It Gets Murky: The External Manifests

"We approach the new with the psychological conditioning and sensory responses of the old. This clash naturally occurs in transitional periods. In late medieval art, for instance, we saw the fear of the new print technology expressed in the theme The Dance of Death. Today, similar fears are expressed in the Theater of the Absurd. Both represent a common failure: the attempt to do a job demanded by the new environment with the tools of the old." (McLuhan, pgs 94-95) The social world becomes increasingly less atmospheric the further into the Digital Age we get. The cacophony of of information constructing the world we live and interact in conflictingly becomes oversaturated while dulling to a white noise. As the social world continues to entangle further into our lives, we’re threatened with dissipating, and meet this with the time-honored practice of holding true to our values, our belief, our idea of Self as rooted in our Western, individuality-centered culture; we feverishly...